Recently, we’ve been
sharing with you about our ministry here in Northern Thailand. We also want to
share with you about our family and what’s going on in our everyday lives. We
hope this will help you get to know us better and be able to pray for us in a
personal way.
We’ll start with the youngest:
is 14 and in the 9th grade at Chiang Rai International Christian
School (CRICS). He’s had a good start to High School this year studying
Geometry and Biology among other things. He’s been studying Karate and reached a blue
belt in 2013. He loves working out, soccer, basketball and hanging out with his
friends. He also enjoys playing electric guitar, bass, and is learning piano
this year. Please pray for him as he grows and learns.
is 16 and in 11th grade at CRICS. Josh loves his friends and making
people laugh. He continues in his love for drama and film and has really
enjoyed making videos with his new movie camera he got for Christmas. He plays
the drums, is also learning piano and enjoying drama class at school. He plans
to take the SAT this spring and look at what comes next after High School. Please
pray for him as he focuses on school work and seeks God’s will for his future.
Liz and Dallas:
welcomed Dallas Vaughn to our family in July at their beautiful wedding here in
Chiang Rai at our church. After their honeymoon on the beach here in Thailand,
Liz and Dallas returned to Jackson, TN to continue their education. Liz is a
junior in Music Education at Union University and Dallas is studying Christian
Ministry online through Liberty University. They both are busy studying,
working and serving the Lord in a new church plant called 116 Church in
Jackson, TN. They are currently raising support to go to Las Vegas this summer
for a ministry internship with Hope Church.
You can learn more about this on their website at . Please pray for
them as they seek to follow God’s calling.
wears many ministry hats: VP of Field
Operations for NTIM, Director of Grace Language School, and Pastor of Baan
Athitaan Church. Michael would say the best way you can pray for him would be to
pray that he would seek the Lord is all that he is and says and does. He would
ask that you would pray that God would fill him with the love of the Lord and with
wisdom to know how to best lead and equip others and make disciples of Jesus in
a way that accomplishes God’s purposes, builds up the body of Christ, and
expands the kingdom of God in this part of God’s World.
of you already know that after being an English Instructor at Mae Fah Luang
University for 3 years, I felt like I needed to spend more time on family and
our ministry. With that goal in mind, I left the university and began in August
teaching at the boys’ school (CRICS) and teaching English at our language
school (GLS) on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. At CRICS I teach piano, voice,
elementary music, choir, study skills, 6th grade writing and
grammar, and 8th grade homeroom and Bible. In the church, I play the
piano, teach and coordinate Children’s Church for the English Speaking
Children. Please pray for me as I seek to serve.
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