God Uses Ordinary People To Accomplish His Work – Day 2 – November 25, 2018
Today is Day 2 of our
30 Day Spiritual Adventure of getting to know and then actively praying for
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM) and all of the various unreached
people groups in and around Northern Thailand. Please join us and invite your
friends to join us for this great time of seeking the face of God on behalf of
millions who have never heard the message of our Lord Jesus.
Blackaby, the author of the book
Experiencing God, is known for helping
the Western Church understand the truth that when God is about to do something
extra ordinary, He looks to see if He can find some ordinary person whose heart
belongs to God and who will be obedient and do the thing God wants to be done.
We see this when we look at the life of Abraham, or the life of Noah, or the
life of Moses, and the lives of many men and women God used in the Bible.
God’s Word says, “For the eyes of the Lord move to
and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is
completely His....” 2 Chronicles 16:9.

God finds someone who is willing to do what God wants to get done, God extends
an invitation to that person to join Him in what God is doing. I will be the
first to tell you that I do not think of myself as anything special or having
anything special to give God. But for whatever reason, I believe that God
extended a special invitation to me (Michael Johnson) and my family some 21
years ago while I was on a business trip to Thailand for Sharp Manufacturing
Company of America. I am an ordinary guy from Tuscaloosa, Alabama in the USA
and do not have anything special about me except that I have given my heart to
Jesus and been touched by an extra ordinary God and am willing to be used for
God’s purposes. I was only in Thailand for a few days on that business trip
some 21 years ago, but I was in Thailand long enough to realize that the
message of Jesus was not reaching most Thai people.
On that short business trip, I did not meet one
Christian. I did not see one church. I did not see any evidence that the Thai
people had a chance to hear the most important story of Jesus ever told. That
realization broke my heart and God began to speak to my heart about joining God
in bringing this message of hope to the Thai people. Shortly after that trip, following
many confirmations that God was leading us to move to Thailand and serve the
Thai people, our family resigned from our cushy
jobs, sold our house, cars, etc. and boarded a plane bound for
Thailand. We landed in Thailand on January 13, 1999 and have served the Lord
here in Thailand since that time without wavering. Here is a picture of our
family before we left for the field while we were at the missionary learning
center in Virginia.
truly wants to use ordinary people like you and me, but we must be willing to
make our lives available for Him to use them. God isn’t interested in us coming
up with some great thing we want to do for God. No, God is more interested in
us being willing to embrace the great plans He already has for our lives. It
reminds me of when Isaiah said to the Lord, “Here I am Lord, Send me.” In other
words, “Lord, if you want me to go, I am willing. Whatever you want from my
life, I am willing to do that because I love you and because I recognize that
your plans are far better than my plans.”
Example: “Oh, Heavenly Father, thank you for placing a
little of your love for the various Thai people groups in the hearts of the
Johnson family. Please continue to lead them and guide them as they seek to
lead the work of NTIM on the field. Thank you for the way you have used them to
build bridges to the hearts of Thai people that have already led to hundreds of
people becoming the first persons in their families to follow Jesus. Help them
to understand your plans for reaching these nations – these unreached people
groups - in and around Northern Thailand. We ask you to help them to follow
your plans and to encourage others to join you in what you want to do through
NTIM in the days ahead. We also pray that you would be pleased to call out
others to go and serve You through NTIM. We pray that you would lead some of
your people to become financial partners investing in what you are doing in
Thailand through NTIM. The fields are ripe for the harvest but the laborers are
truly few. Please raise up others to go and join you in what you are doing in
and through NTIM and their partners. We pray this in the name of our Lord
Jesus. Amen.”
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