Saturday, December 26, 2020

Ball's Story of Transformation - Reaching the 3rd Largest UPG in Thailand - Day 14

 God is doing some incredible things in the heart of Southeast Asia drawing people to Himself who are the first persons in their entire family history to become followers of Jesus. Many of those people give their hearts to Jesus during a very pivotal period of time in their lives where they are the most inquisitive time of their lives, the time between 1st year at the university all the way up until their last day at university. 

Let me tell you about one of those university students who became the first person in their entire family to follow Jesus and who now serves God on our NTIM Thai Staff team. He, like the rest of my staff, is one of my Thai heroes.

Ball is a Thai citizen and is from the 3rd largest ethnic unreached people group in Thailand called the Muang UPG or more popularly known as the “Northern Thai UPG.” Ball joined the NTIM ministry team on August 1, 2017, 3 years ago, shortly after he graduated with a degree in English Education from Chiangrai Rachaphat University.

Ball became the first person in her entire family to become a follower of Jesus while he was in his 3rd year as a university student. Ball began going to an English outreach of Grace Language School at Rachaphat University called “English Corner.” The relationships he developed led him to a Christmas program at Baan Athitan Church where he received a scholarship to study at GLS and became one of Michael’s students.

Many people spoke into Ball’s life and all of us rejoiced greatly on February 25, 2015 when Ball made the decision to become a follower of Jesus. Michael had the privilege of baptizing Ball on September 13, 2016 at Baan Athitaan Church. Here is a short video clip of that day.

Through God’s leadership, we invited Ball to come and serve the Lord with us shortly after he graduated from university. Since that time, Ball has been involved in many aspects of the ministry. Today, Ball is primarily involved in teaching English and takes the lead role in organizing and leading our GLS Children’s English program on Saturday mornings for children grades 1-6. Ball is also one of our key translators and is even learning and enjoying leading worship from time to time. He is also very active in teaching the Bible and leading our youth ministry to junior high students. Ball is also involved in mentoring and discipling new believers and currently mentors and meets with several guys every single week helping them grow in their walk with Jesus. Ball’s favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8 which says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”

Prayer Example: “Lord, thank You for loving us enough to send someone into our lives to tell us about the gospel. We thank You for loving Ball enough to send someone into his life to tell him about the gospel. We thank You for loving others enough to send people like Ball into the lives of others to tell them about the gospel. We want to take this moment and ask You to bless Ball in a very special way. Help him to be salt and light in all that he does. Help him as he serves You faithfully through NTIM at Grace Language School and at Baan Athitaan Church. We ask that You would be pleased to use him to help reach his family, his friends, his neighbors, his own people group, and even other people groups. Thank You for his work with NTIM and how he faithfully serves You each and every day. We pray that You would give him great love and wisdom as he pours his life into discipling young university students there in Northern Thailand. We pray this in Jesus name.”

Today is Day 14 of our Season of Prayer of getting to know and then actively praying for Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), its partners, and all of the various unreached people groups in and around Northern Thailand. Thank you for joining us for this great time of seeking the face of God on behalf of millions who have never heard the message of our Lord Jesus.

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