Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wow. 5 Years Ago Today - July 17, 2024

Dear Family, Friends, Partners in Ministry,

Wow. 5 years ago today we were pouring concrete. Here are a few pictures from that day 5 years ago.

God has been good to us. Thank God for all of you who gave to this building project through giving to Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM). The building has now been officially named the "LLC - Lighthouse Learning Center" based upon the original vision the Lord put in our hearts for Chiangrai to have a "Lighthouse" for the nations. Here is what the building looks like today.

As I write this note this morning, there are about 20 Christian Pastors/Church leaders (including 3 from our own team) who are studying for their Master of Divinity degree meeting in our building this whole week as they study an intensive course organized and operated through the Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary (TBTS) where Ajaan Chaiwat serves as the leader of the TBTS. We are thankful to God to play a small part in using this facility to reach some of the least reached people groups in our world today but also to build up future Christian leaders in this part of God's world.

May God richly bless you. Thank you for your generosity and for sending us to Thailand. Any gift you would like to make to our normal, everyday ministry, no matter how small or how large, helps us reach and disciple people whom many are the first persons in their entire families to know Jesus Christ.

Until all the people living in and around Northern Thailand have a chance to become followers of the One True God and His Son Jesus Christ.


“For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5


Financial support can be given through NTIM....

Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA Main Website:

NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, unreached people groups (UPGs) are all around us, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives. 

Reaching, Teaching, Discipling, Equipping, Training, and Serving People in God’s World, through acts of love and compassionate as the light of Christ, is what NTIM and our ministry team is all about.

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