Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Dear Friends & Partners In Ministry,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this prayer request and update to you. Yesterday we heard about a disaster that happened this past Sunday night at a Thai school for poor children. This school has a boarding house for over 30 young girls from very poor families and most from various hill tribes groups. 17 of these children ages 5 to 12 lost their lives Sunday night. As I understand it, the fire started as a result of a faulty light fixture.  Here are a few pictures from the disaster.

After hearing about this and realizing that it happened only a little over an hour from where we live, we felt compelled to go and see if our NTIM team, our church staff and our partner team from Mississippi could be the hands and feet of Jesus in any way. So, this morning we scratched our original plans and headed down toward the city where this disaster happened - Wiang Paa Pao.

When we arrived there were lots of folks already there and some of them were from government agencies and others were from companies that were donating some of the larger items that were destroyed in the fire. When we approached the School officials, we introduced ourselves as representatives of Channel of Blessing Foundation (which is basically NTIM Thailand) and representatives from Northern Thailand Baptist Church Association. We shared condolences for their loss and that we wanted to be a blessing in some practical way both to those children who are still living and who lost everything in the fire as well as being a blessing in some practical way to the families of the 17 children who were killed in the fire.

After listening to ways in which we could help, we have decided that we want (1) to purchase shoes, and some bedding items for the children who have survived the fire, and (2) to provide a small gift to each of the families who have lost a child in the fire and then be able to personally present it to each of the families along with a personal prayer.

We know that some of our supporters give to NTIM every single month but some of you all give when there is a specific need that  you would like to designate a gift. We really want to be a blessing to these folks during this disaster and wanted to make you aware of the need and to let you know that if you would like to donate to this Disaster Relief project, please send a check to NTIM or give online and then send me an email letting me know what you have given and we will make sure that your donation goes toward the relief efforts. We are planning on making an additional trip down to give the shoes and bedding supplies on Friday.  Thank you for joining us in reaching the nations in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus. Please remember to pray for these families who have lost their precious children.

Your Servants to the Nations in and Around Northern Thailand,
Financial Support can be given through NTIM…..
 Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA Main Website: www.gontim.org
NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3)charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, darkness is everywhere, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives.

Reaching, Teaching, Discipling, Equipping, Training, and Serving People in God’s World through acts of love and compassionate is what NTIM and our ministry team is all about. 

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