Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Offering A Sacrifice of Praise to the God who is like no other ..... NTIM update Feb 20, 2025

Today as I sit down to write this update of my recent trip back to the USA, my heart is filled with many different emotions. I am thankful for this trip and want to share some of these memories with you so that you get a chance to see that “real missionaries” are just “real people” with the same struggles and joys that everyone else has but with whom God has placed a special call on their life to see that others in other parts of the world also have a chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus and become followers of our great God and King.

This will be a very different kind of newsletter that will be very personal and where I will share some of my personal photos with you about this recent trip. We were not able to go see everyone that we wanted to see and pray that if we were not able to see you that you would please forgive me, and keep us in your prayers and keep supporting that work God has put in our hands to do.

Hebrews 13:15-16 reads this way, “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”

Below are some important things in our lives that I was able to see and do while on this trip. I just want to offer them as a sacrifice of praise to the God who is the giver of all good things.

1) I am thankful for the great state of Alabama in which I was born and raised many moons ago. Here are a few pictures we took on this trip.

2) I am thankful for Shades Mountain Baptist Church (SMBC) Family, in Birmingham, AL in a very, very special way. I was invited to come to the Global Impact Catalyst at SMBC which started on Saturday, January 25th and went through Wednesday, January 29.

SMBC is our home church and they not only are our largest supporting church, but along with the Sunday School class that we were assigned to connect with on this trip, they provided the funds needed to rent a car for 23 days and pay for 2 round trip tickets from Chiangrai, Thailand to Birmingham for me and one of my awesome Thai staff named Ball. Thank you SMBC Family. You have helped us to understand better the meaning of words “generous” and “Live Sent.”

During the time of the GIC, we were honored by being in the home of  Joel and Rhonda Harris, some of the nicest people I have ever met. They took great care of us and allowed us to invade their home and get to know them and just spend some quality time together. We were able to spend several meals together with them and with others from this Sunday School Class including Barbara English who serves as the director of this Sunday School class. Yall have an awesome class and we are looking forward to having some of you come out to Thailand on a short term trip from your class in the days to come.

Now, this wasn’t just your normal Sunday School class, this class had about 140 people in it. We were able to speak in this class Sunday morning of GIC and share with them some of what God is doing reaching into the hearts and lives of people who have never had anyone in their entire family to become a follower of Jesus in the past.  But just like my staff Ball that went with me on this trip, God is doing an amazing work of reaching the nations for Jesus. Ball is the first person in his entire family heritage to be a follower of Jesus and is from the 3rd largest unreached people group in Thailand.

This picture below is one of the key leaders of “the Encouragement team” that sends us a “Care Package” to Thailand several times a year in the name of SMBC. What a joy it was to meet this precious servant of God.

One of my favorite things to do when I get the chance to come to a GIC or do “A Taste of Thailand” event is to share some special “delicacies” with others that we get to enjoy in Northern Thailand. Yes, that is a delicious bamboo worm in her hand she is about to enjoy eating. Yum yum.

The GIC was a very encouraging a refreshing time for Ball and myself. We got see so many friends and partners in ministry. It was also a great joy to finally be able to meet my Pastor, George Wright, for the first time. 

3) I am very thankful for David & Janie Howell in the Birmingham, AL area as well and for their advocacy for the work of NTIM to Hunter Street Baptist Church. David has served as our President for NTIM since the formation of our foundation until now. Thank you David and thank you Janie. You guys are our heros.

Ball and I flew out of Chiangrai, Thailand in the afternoon after church on Sunday, January 19th. After several very long flights, we arrived in Birmingham, AL where we were met at the airport by my good friend David. We worked out the details of getting a car and then followed David back to his home where we crashed for the night. It was a joy to spend some good quality time with David and Janie during this recent trip. You guys are awesome. We even got to have one dinner with Hunter Street Baptist Church’s former Missions Pastor who has prayed for us from the time we left for the field some 26+ years ago.

4) I am very thankful for the time visiting my Son Caleb and his wife in the Jackson, Tn area. We got to spend two nights with them and even did a road trip to Opryland. We love you guys and are thankful for our time together with you. Love you and proud of you son. Dad especially liked the chats that we got to have with Caleb sitting up front on our road trip to Nashville. Here are a few of our pictures.

5) I am very thankful for a chance to visit with Hope’s Sister Blanche Gunter. She was so kind to fix breakfast early one morning on the trip and then we got a few pictures after a good visit. We love you Blanche and will be keeping you and Sandy and your kidos in our prayers and may the Lord answer your prayers and give you the desires of your heart.

6) I am very thankful for the time visiting with Josh, Jessie, Jackson, and Judd Grammer. So thankful for the time that we were able to spend with the Grammer family in Tuscaloosa and see their precious boys. Josh and Jessie came out and served with us on the field many years ago and were our first point of contact with Ball when he was a university student and Josh and Jessie were doing what we call “an English Corner” on campus at Rachaphat University about 11 years ago.

7) I am thankful for the time to visit Emmanual Baptist Church (EBC) in Tuscaloosa on Wednesday, January 22 and thank them for their faithful support. We would love to have a team come and visit us from EBC in the days to come. Thank you to the Pastor Michael Crosswhite for giving me a chance to share an update with the church on what God is doing in Northern Thailand through their partnership with the ministry of NTIM. It was great to be with you.

8) I am thankful for the time visiting with my other son, Joshua, who lives in Atlanta and is in his final months of Firefighting Academy. We got to spend two nights with him on the 28th floor of a very high apartment building.  He was able to get off one day and we even got the opportunity to spend the whole day in an arcade playing games together while Ball met with a friend. It was awesome time with Joshua. Then one evening we got to eat some awesome Thai food at Joshua’s favorite Thai restaurant. It was truly delicious. Love you son and proud of you.

9) I am very thankful for time to spend with FBC Florence, another very good partner church in the great state of MS. We got to speak to Beverly Bridges’s Sunday School class and then to have a great lunch together with many friends at a Thai restaurant after church. Thank you FBC Florence and Bro. Sam Taylor for your love and support for God’s work in Thailand and your love for Thai people. Thank you for sending teams from your church every year for well over a decade now. And thank you to Beverly Bridges who serves as one of our awesome Board Members on the NTIM board. Our Thai Staff know and love so many from your church. I think Beverly has been on a mission trip to Thailand 17 times now. That is why everyone in our church family knows and loves Beverly and David, and Brooke, and Adrienne. They are family.

10) I am very thankful for the time visiting my oldest daughter Jessica Davenport and her sweet family. It was a special honor to be able to help celebrate Titus’ birthday and to take lunch to their school and eat with Titus, Ruth, Jessica and Aaron on the picnic tables out in front of their elementary school in the cool weather. I even got to get up early one morning and take Ruth and Titus to school along with my sweet daughter Jessica. Love you guys and thankful God gave us some quality time together.

11) I am thankful for the time to spend with my brother Jeff in Tuscaloosa, AL on February 6th and eat at one of my favorite restaurants in the whole world – Taco Casa. I miss my brother and so thankful for him taking good care of my Mom when she was recently going through some difficult times. Jeff and I have some wonderful memories growing up together in our house in Alpine Hills. Love you Jeff.

12) I am thankful for the time to spend with my Daddy’s Sister I call my Aunt Linda in Tuscaloosa, AL at her home. I think it has been over 10 years since I had seen my Aunt Linda and it was a wonderful time talking to her and remembering some of our wonderful Christmas Eve celebrations at Paw and Granny’s house in Alberta City when I was a kid. Thank you, Aunt Linda. I love you and miss you very much and so glad we got a chance to talk about things together. Praying for you and for the prayer requests you shared with me. May God listen to your prayers and give you the desire of your heart. Much Love from Thailand.

13) I am thankful for the time to spend with my mother’s youngest sister Marilyn and her husband Stanley. We met in downtown Northport and had a good visit getting to catch up on things. Love you and miss you.

14) I am thankful for the time we were able to spend with Bum and Glynn Reeves. Both Bum and Glynn served with us in Thailand for many years. I first met Bum when she was a university student at Mae Fah Luang University and she began coming to the church. Many people played a role in Bum coming to know Jesus and like so many in our church today, what a great joy it was when Bum became the first person in her entire family to become a follower of Jesus. Before she married Glynn, she served with me on Staff as my Administrative Assistant. We love you guys and miss you and are glad we got to get some good Mexican food with you on this trip and spend a little time with Wela and Winter. Keep us in your prayers. There are still so many Thai people who have not heard the message of our Savior.


15) I am so thankful for the time to spend with Jim and Krista Womack in Mobile, AL. Jim and Krista have been good friends since our days when I worked at Sharp Manufacturing. We lived in Collierville, TN and both our families attended Peterson Lake Baptist Church. It was out of this church that God originally extended our call to Thailand. After we formed our non-profit 501c3 organization called Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), Jim faithfully served on our Board of Directors from 2015 to 2023 and has been a faithful friend and encourager in the work of God in Thailand. We love you and hope God gives you a chance to come see us in Thailand and see all that God has been doing in Thailand through your prayers and support since the very beginning of this journey with God to Thailand.

16) I am so thankful for the time we got to spend at Crosspoint Church in Gulfport, MS on Saturday, February 8, doing “A Taste of Thailand” event and raising awareness of what God is doing in Northern Thailand. We are thankful for Crosspoint for their continued partnership and for taking our partnership to the next level by sending Doug and Paulette Piper to us as we seek to implement a new church planting effort called “Project Payao” after Doug and Paulette finish Thai language studies. It was also great that on Sunday, February 9th, I was able to share a message with Crosspoint in their early service and Ball was able to help lead worship for all three services that morning. A special thank you to Vince & Katrin Lenaz for letting us stay in your home.


17) I am so thankful for the time we got to spend with the May Family. Thank you for driving over to Gulfport and spending some time with us. We are so thankful for the time God gave you guys to live and serve in Thailand with us before the Covid-19 Pandemic completely turned our plans around. We love you and pray the Lord will bring you back one day to serve with us in His time and in His way. Thank you for the special talk we had at lunch time my good friend. I miss you very much my dear Brother Derek. May our Lord continue to bless you and your precious family.

18) I am thankful for the time to spend taking a stroll in the cemetery in Tuscaloosa, AL where so many of my relatives are buried, including some of my great grandparents, all of my grandparents, my dad, my older brother Tommy, my younger sister Suzanne, and most recently my sweet mother, who passed away during Covid-19 pandemic and I was not able to come home for the funeral during that time. Ball and I even drove past my old house in Alpine Hills where I grew up. So many memories and experiences that have helped shaped my life. Here are some of those pictures.


19) To our Friends and Supporters, including our awesome NTIM Board Members that we were not able to visit personally (Lupinaccis, Woods, and Fosters), I want to thank you for your friendship, your love, your prayers, and for your support of us as we seek to make disciples of some of the least reached people groups in our world today. To God be the glory for the great things He has done and is preparing to do. Please pray about coming on a short-term mission trip to join God in reaching “THE LAST FRONTIER” of unreached people groups for our Lord Jesus.

20) As I shared in our last newsletter, We thank God and we thank you for letting us be your representatives to the Thai people these last 26 years. January 13, 1999 was the day we landed in Thailand.

It has been our honor to serve God and to serve Thai people in a special way these last 26 years…. We have tried to do it all for His glory and for the advancement of His Kingdom.

I pray that God has been pleased with our service and that He will be pleased to allow us to continue to serve Him here many more years to come for His glory and for the advancement of His kingdom in and around Northern Thailand.

There is still so much work to be done. The fields are ripe, ready for the harvest but the workers are truly few. This is not work for the fainthearted! Let us be faithful to find the course God has for us and then to stay on that course regardless of the difficulties and hardships that come into our lives knowing that our lives really do matter. Our lives do matter and as we truly reflect on the meaning of Galatians 2:20, we realize that God desires to live in and through us to reach the lost, to help the broken and the distressed much like we see our Lord Jesus doing in Matthew 9:36.

The various unreached Thai people groups, the various unreached Burmese people groups, the various unreached Laotian people groups, and the various unreached Chinese people groups, simply to name a few, are some of the least reached people groups in our world today living in darkness without the light of Christ.  

These precious people have been in darkness far too long now and it is time for God’s people to take the light and message of Jesus into every village and to every people group living in this part of God’s world…. and may it begin…. with us. “Here we are, Lord, send us” is our prayer. May God speak to some of you reading this and may your prayer become “Here I am, Lord, send me.”

Until all the People in and around Northern Thailand know Him,

Michael for the NTIM, GLS, and BAC teams


All donations, whether small or large, go directly to the field that allows the Johnsons and all those on the NTIM team to reach people, many of whom have never had a chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus. All donations can be given through a check to NTIM, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA or they can be given Online at our main website:

NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, unreached people groups (UPGs) are all around us, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives.

All donations made to NTIM are tax deductible and can be made either online at or mailed to NTIM, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260