Thursday, June 27, 2024

URGENT PRAYER for Outreach with Volunteer Team from Gulfport, MS in Northern Thailand - June 28, 2024


God is using English in mighty ways to reach the hearts of children, young people, and adults and to build His church in one of the most beautiful places on God's green earth. Northern Thailand is very beautiful, yet it is one of the most needy places in God’s world today when it comes to issues of “lostness.” Northern Thailand if filled with dozens of some of the least reached people groups in our world today. Millions of people live here and more than 99 out of every 100 persons do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and many of them have never even heard the gospel message

Even in the midst of millions of people who have never heard, God is using NTIM, Grace Language School (GLS), Baan Athitaan Church, and many of our volunteer teams and partners to make a significant impact in people’s lives. Because we have a legitimate English language platform whose ultimate purpose it to glorify God and expand His kingdom, God has given us great access to people through the educational system here in Thailand and great favor with the government of Thailand.

Today, June 28, as I write this prayer request, Grace Language School along with a team of 10 volunteers from Gulfport, Miss, have gone into a kindegarden school less than  where we are5 miles from GLS doing what we call an “ENGLISH FUN DAY CAMP” for about 172 kindergartners. In the next 6 days, we will be doing 4 “English Fun Day Camps” and hosting a major 4th of July celebration just to name a few things. Here is an older picture of camp to give you a snapshot idea of what these camps look like.

Please take a moment and pray for us and for us to be the salt and light of Jesus here in this part of God’s World.

It takes a lot of time and resources to build relationships of genuine trust with people but we are thankful to God for allowing us to be a small part of His plans to draw people to the cross and to a personal relationship with Jesus.


Thank you for praying for us as reach into our community and teach English with integrity.

Thank you for praying for us as we seek to lead others to Jesus and disciple them. Thank you for coming on mission trips to help with God’s work.

Thank you for giving through NTIM so that we can serve here and insure that the gospel reaches into some of the least reached people groups in our world today.

Thank you for sharing with others about our work and being an advocate for us and for being an advocate for the unreached people groups that we are targeting.

Our ministry with children, young people, and university students has continued to grow and blossom and we are in need of some additional resources to help us teach English with excellence. Would you please pray that God would provide us with additional resources that would be used for reaching the nations for Jesus and expanding the kingdom of God in Northern Thailand?

Your Servant to the Nations in and around Northern Thailand,

Michael for the team


Financial support can be given through NTIM....

Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA Main Website:

NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3)charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, unreached people groups (UPGs) are all around us, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives.

Reaching, Teaching, Discipling, Equipping, Training, and Serving People in God’s World through acts of love and compassionate is what NTIM and our ministry team is all about.

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